Thursday, December 9, 2010

Vanda Orchid

One of my vanda orchids. I'm trying to see how they do in glass vases. So far so good! I've read they do better in glass vases since the humidity is kept at the level vandas like which is about 80%.

My greenhouse

My greenhouse.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

In Bloom Now

This orchid I bought at SBOE (Santa Barbara Orchid Estate) last year. Its getting to be a nice specimen plant.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Current Orchid Quest

I took this pic at the Quail Botanical Gardens (now known as San Diego Botanic Gardens) several years ago. I just fell in love with this orchid. It was about seven inches wide and felt waxy. It is a Sobralia Mirabilis 'Madeira' ground orchid. I am currently trying to acquire a small plant and try my luck with it in my greenhouse.
This was one of my first blooming orchids.

Gardening in Phoenix, Arizona

This site is dedicated to sharing my experiences in trying to grow plants that are not native to the Phoenix area. We all have passions and Gardening is one of mine. I live in central Phoenix on an irrigated lot with a greenhouse that I built in the backyard. The greenhouse keeps me out of trouble (for the most part) and expands the type of plants I can try to grow. It currently holds about eighty orchids. I will be posting pics to share of the orchids in bloom and what is going on in the backyard and in my vegetable garden, which is currently being ignored.